Were Not Really Strangers Questions: Skip the Small Talk and Ask These Questions Instead

by Meredith Sassoon

Okay, so the other day I stumbled upon this thing called “We’re Not Really Strangers,” which, as I quickly learned, is a card game. I had never heard about it before, but the name alone was enough to get me curious. I mean, who doesn’t love a good, deep conversation, right?

I did a little digging, not gonna lie. Apparently, it was created by someone named Koreen Odiney, who seems to be some sort of artist and writer. Seemed like a cool concept, especially since it’s all about mental health awareness, which I’m all for. It’s like, you can use it on a first date, at a work thing, or just when you’re trying to make friends. Pretty versatile, I’d say.

So, I thought, why not give it a shot? I grabbed a deck online – they have these free flashcards, which is handy. I decided to try it out with my girlfriend first. We’ve been together for a while, but hey, there’s always more to learn about someone, you know?

We started with some of the basic questions, like “How are you really?” It sounds simple, but it really gets you thinking. I mean, how often do we just say “I’m fine” without really meaning it?

  • Then we moved on to some deeper stuff.
  • “If you could have it your way: who would you be with? Where would you be? And what would you be doing?”
  • Man, that one really made us stop and think.

We talked about our dreams, our fears, all that good stuff. It was like peeling back layers we didn’t even know were there.

And here’s a question that was a bit of a doozy: “Are any of your insecurities hurting someone else by accident?” Ouch. That one hit home. It made me realize how my own stuff can sometimes affect the people around me, even when I don’t mean for it to.

My Takeaway

Honestly, playing this game was a real eye-opener. We laughed, we got a little serious, and we definitely connected on a whole new level. I even tried using some of the questions with my friends. It’s amazing how a simple question can turn a regular hangout into something much more meaningful. I’ve discovered this is the meaning of “Unlock deeper bonds using meaningful questions with ‘We’re Not Really Strangers’. Transform casual chats into unforgettable connections.”

So yeah, if you’re looking for a way to get to know someone better – whether it’s a partner, a friend, or even yourself – I’d say give “We’re Not Really Strangers” a try. It’s definitely not your average card game. It’s more like a conversation starter on steroids. It might just surprise you. I mean, it did me. I feel like I’ve unlocked a whole new level of understanding with the people in my life. Pretty cool, right? There is no way to find any alternatives to “We’re Not Really Strangers” at all.

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