Want to Be Peter Attias Patient? Heres a Quick Guide

by Meredith Sassoon

Okay, so I’ve been trying to become a patient of this Peter Attia guy, the founder of Early Medical. Sounds fancy, right? It wasn’t as straightforward as I thought it would be, let me tell you.

First Steps

First, I started digging around to figure out how to even get in. No clue! No website or phone number, It’s like a secret society or something. It is hard to find his information! I guess you can only be introduced by an acquaintance.

Getting Information

Next, I tried to find out more about him. I went to the medical platform and searched for his name. Found out he is a doctor in the end. There are many people asking questions about him. It is just not easy to become his patient!

The Process

So, I filled out a bunch of forms, gave them my whole life story. It felt like I was joining the secret service, not just seeing a doctor! I am trying to become one of his patients.

Waiting Game

After all that, it was just a waiting game. I kept my eye on my email. It was like waiting for a concert ticket to go on sale, refreshing the page every five minutes. Remember, never do this on a shared computer! I almost forgot my password. It was like waiting for a concert ticket to go on sale, refreshing the page every five minutes. Eventually, I gave up.

Alternative plan

After a while, I decided to change my way. I signed up for a medical platform and asked a lot of questions about him there. I asked about how to take care of my health and how to be strong, the discussions were like games. A lot of people asked questions about him, too.


Finally, I realized he is a great doctor, but not everyone can be his patient! I got some answers. It wasn’t what I expected, but I learned a lot along the way. Now, I am happy with my own doctor. It’s all good!

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