Crooked Haircut Fixes: How to Salvage a Bad Hair Day Disaster

by Afra Jennings

Alright, so, picture this: I decided to give myself a haircut. Yeah, I know, brave or stupid, right? Anyway, I grabbed my scissors and just went for it. I watched a couple of videos online, thought, “How hard could it be?” Famous last words, I guess.

Crooked Haircut Fixes: How to Salvage a Bad Hair Day Disaster

I started by sectioning off my hair, just like those online tutorials. Felt pretty confident at first. Then, I began snipping away. And that’s where the trouble started. My hands were, like, not cooperating. I was going for a simple trim, just trying to get rid of some split ends, but I ended up with something way more… uneven, shall we say.

  • First, I noticed one side was shorter than the other.
  • Tried to fix it by cutting the longer side.
  • But then, oh boy, I overdid it on the other side.

So, I kept trying to even it out, back and forth, snip after snip. It was like chasing my own tail, but with hair. Each attempt to fix it just made it worse. I remembered reading somewhere to just cut it in small snips on the uneven part, and to be honest I tried that but it didn’t really work out.

After what felt like hours, I looked in the mirror and realized I had created a masterpiece of crookedness. It was choppy, uneven, and just plain bad. I thought, maybe if I wash it and style it differently, it wouldn’t be so noticeable. Nope, still looked like a disaster. And I read some stuff that said cutting damaged hair won’t make it grow back healthier. Well, that’s a bummer.

In the end, I resorted to wearing a hat. Yeah, not the solution I was hoping for, but it hid the mess. I did try to make it look better with some styling, like, trying to trick the eye into not noticing the unevenness, but that wasn’t the solution for me. I learned my lesson, though. Next time, I’m definitely going to a professional. Or maybe I’ll just embrace the hat life. Who knows?

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