Achieve David Beckham Long Hair: Your Ultimate Style Guide

by Cornell Yule

Okay, so, I’ve been wanting to try out the David Beckham long hair look for a while now. You know, that classic, slicked-back style he rocked back in the day. I finally decided to go for it, and let me tell you, it was a journey.

Achieve David Beckham Long Hair:  Your Ultimate Style Guide

First off, I needed to grow my hair out. This took forever! My hair grows pretty slow, so I was basically in that awkward in-between stage for months. I looked like a mess, honestly. I wore a lot of hats during this phase, just to hide the awkwardness.

Once my hair was finally long enough, which felt like a year, I booked an appointment with my barber. I showed him a bunch of pictures of Beckham and said, “Make me look like this!” He kind of chuckled and said he’d do his best.

The haircut itself wasn’t too complicated. He mainly just trimmed the ends and layered it a bit to give it some shape. The real magic, he explained, was in the styling.


  • He washed my hair.
  • Then he applied some product which name I can’t remember.
  • He dried my hair with some tools.
  • Then he combed my hair back.
  • Finally he sprayed some hairspray.

When he was done, I barely recognized myself. I actually looked pretty good! The hair was slicked back, but it still had some volume and texture. I felt like a whole new person, but it’s still me!

Maintaining the look is a bit of a hassle, I’ll admit. I have to use a good amount of product every day, and it takes a while to style it just right. But honestly, I think it’s worth it. I get a lot of compliments on my hair now, and it definitely boosts my confidence. It’s funny, like I never thought I could look like Beckham, but here I am.

Achieve David Beckham Long Hair:  Your Ultimate Style Guide

So, if you’re thinking about trying out the David Beckham long hair look, I say go for it! Just be prepared for the awkward growing-out phase and the daily styling routine. But trust me, the end result is pretty awesome, maybe you will also feel like a new person like me.

I have to go now. I will take some selfie later, bye!

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